Saturday, November 8, 2008


Mason got his tonsils out yesterday. The surgery part went great, but after they brought him back to the room everything started to go down hill. When he first came out he was crying a little because of the pain, so the nurse put some pain meds in his iv and some medicine to help with the nausea. After she left he just got worse and worse. He was crying and freaking out. She came in and gave him more pain meds, and then realized that his face was getting puffy and red, and he was itching all over. He was having some kind of reaction to the pain meds. He was screaming all this weird stuff and he was trying to pull his iv out. I have never seen Mason behave like that. I was so scared. They flushed all the pain medication out of his iv, and gave him some benadryl. After a while the swelling started to go down, and he started to act like himself. It was so scary and is all I could think about is how much I love this child. I wanted so much to traid places with him. He is my everything and I am so lucky to be his mom. We are home now and things are going good, he still has a while to recover though. Thanks for everyones prayers and concerns. It has meant so much to us.


Natalie said...

reI know you were worried - so I'm glad to hear the surgery went well, despite the scare. One day at a time, I guess.

Amanda said...

What a's makes me sad to see him all pooped out.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to tell you that I'm so lucky to be Mason's aunt. I'm glad the surgery is over and now we can go have some fun in Vegas. I did go to Mervins but the sale wasn't that great. I think they just lowered the discount again so I'll keep checking and let you know if there is anything worth buying. Other wise, maybe dad will give us some shopping money in vegas. :)

Love ya!