Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Mom

Lee,Mason,and I went and visited my mothers grave. I try to tell Mason everything that I remember about her,but its very hard because its been so long. One of my most vivid memories is: It was Halloween time, and about two days before she passed away. I remember her telling me that we needed to go buy a pumpkin soon. We never got the chance. On the day of her burial, I put a miniature pumpkin on her coffin. To this day whenever I see a miniature pumpkin that is what I think about. I miss my mom, even more so since I got married and had my own child. But I look forward to the day when I can see her again.


Cordie said...

OH that is so sad. How old were you when she passed away? I hope you have a happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how little things will trigger memories. I use to have such a hard time with Halloween because she died so close to that day but now I love it and I don't usually associate Halloween with that day anymore. I was thinking about her the other day and how much she would love her grandsons. I'm sure she's proud of us and I know she watches over us and keeps that Mason safe. Love you guys. We have a great family.