Just getting here and getting our stuff set up. I love this spot!
Its so pretty. This is a view looking down from our camp.
Lee getting things set up.
Sometimes having dogs is a pain...but not when it comes to camping...they make it even better...Molly and Burton love to be outdoors.
Awww that's my handsome husband.
Mason got the fire going all by himself...what a great boy scout he is becoming.
Me and my Mason...love my boy.
Lee likes to take pictures of me.
Can you see a Burton in there?!
The best spot ever!
Love all the trees.
What a fun time we had camping! I love to get away from the stress of everyday life and get up in the mountains. No cell phones, no T.V, no computers, no video games, no distractions... just me and the people that mean the most. So glad we live in such a beautiful place where peace is just a few miles away!